The first week has passed in a blur. I have already done and seen so much! My first day here I was able to go up to the top of Taipei 101! The view from up top was spectacular, and it made me feel as if I were on top of the world!
I almost can’t believe that I am writing this from Taiwan. I finally made it! It feels so good to be here, however the journey to get here was long and exhausting.
Tomorrow is the day. It seems surreal, that tomorrow I will be embarking on yet another life changing adventure. Tomorrow I will leave my family again. I will say my goodbyes. But while goodbyes are sad, they also mark the start of something new. Tomorrow I will board my flights feeling both ecstatic and apprehensive. It will be a big change for me, but coming out of my little comfort zone in Boise, Idaho will help me grow even more and help me gain life experience so that I can go into the rest of my life with confidence. Here’s to a new adventure.
One of my favorite things about exchange was gaining a second family. These past four weeks have been amazing for me, because my host sister came to visit. My German parents have also been here for the past couple days. It has been so much fun reminiscing on old times and sharing our favorite moments from that year we were together. It was fun to see what each of us had remembered, and old memories were brought to the forefront of my mind once more. Exploring Hamburg with my host sister, eating spicy food with my host dad, gallivanting through Weihnachtsmärkte with my host mom… It made me nostalgic and homesick for my other home.
However, it also reignited the excitement for my next year. I absolutely cannot wait to develop such relationships with my future host families and friends in Taiwan! I cannot wait to learn the language and culture! And, as of today, I am only two weeks away from starting this next adventure! |
AuthorI am Angie. I travel the world making new friends and learning new things. Archives
December 2018
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